BOC Approved - 1.25 Credit Hours

Practical Suicide Prevention for the Industrial Injury Prevention Specialist

In this on demand course, Amelia (Meigs) Walsh takes clinicians through practical suicide prevention, introducing IPS' to appropriate terminology, statistics and risk factors. With this information, clinicians are then able to assess their current biases and apply what they have learned to various scenarios. Amelia provides clarity on the gap in clinician education around the subject and why it is imperative to understand and feel confident in handling when working in the industrial setting.
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The facts about suicide

MYTH: Suicide cannot be prevented. If someone is intent on dying by suicide, there is no way to stop them.

FACT: Suicide can be prevented. Suicidal crisis can be relatively short-lived or may affect someone for years. Immediate practical help such as calling the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 988. 

  • In 2020, men died by suicide 3.9x more than women
  • Suicide in the 12th leading cause of death for all age groups (2nd - 20-34 yrs, 4th - 35-44yrs)
  • The suicide rate was 1.5x higher for veterans than non-veterans
  • 90% of those who died by suicide had a diagnosable mental health condition at their time of death
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What our students say

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I found this to be a very useful and informative since we see so many people who are in the high risk categories!

I can't think of a way to improve - this course was excellent!


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